Sunday, 7 February 2016

Session 6

1.Answer these questions about the computer you are using. Thencompare your answers with a partner.
1.What brand is your computer?                                            
The processor is an LG and the screen is a PHILIPS.
2. What is the operating system of your computer?
The operating system is Windows.
3. Which web browser(s) does your computer use?

4. How many buttons are there on your mouse?
5. Does your computer have a CD-ROM drive? Yes And a DVD-drive?Yes AndUSB drives?Yes, it has
6. Find these keys on your keyboard. Check each key as you find it and write the symbol next to its name

Return (enter) → Introduir
Hyphen or dash  →  -
Space bar          → Espai
Period or dot    →   .
Shift                  → Moure
Comma       →      ,
Tab                     → Pestanya
Colon        →      :
Delete                → Borrar
Right parenthesis →   )
Control              →  Maniobrar
Slash    →    /
Escape               →  Sortir
At symbol   →    @
2. Match these word-processing terms with their definitions. Then compare
your answers with a partner.
Clik → Clicar
File → Arxiu
Cursor → Cursor
Window → Finestra
Highlight → Subratllar
Menu → MenĂº
Icon → Icona
Word processorProcessador de text

1-. Menu                                  2-. Window
3-. Icon                                     4-. File
5-. Word Processor                6-. Click
7-. Cursor                                8-. Highlight